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I See You - Ker Dukey & DH Sidebottom

4 stars

I’m not long off the back of reading Ker Dukey’s newest release which was a lighter affair than normal so I was chomping at the bit for this book, more so because it’s co-authored with DH Sidebottom. You know with this pair that blood is going to fly and your head is going to take a little twisty path into theirs for a while. What could be better right? It’s a little bit exciting and a little bit frightening all at the same time. This duo have no boundaries for the most part and I think when they get together they produce some of their best work.

“If we never had anything to rely on but our commitment to oneself then what had we actually ever had?”

I See You is no exception to any other Ker/DH book. It is plot/subject heavy and often has no regard for the reader’s weak spot. It is indeed a case of “how do you like your dark?” Personally I like it any way and more often than not the darker the better for me. There are a fair few graphic and descriptive scenes going on here, yet I found the “main” scene to be very lacking. In all honesty I think that was the perfect way to take that scene, to have indulged it anymore would have turned it into something else I think. There’s a hefty plot twist in here, and if you read really carefully then you can see it. I have recently read a different book by a different author (absolutely no similarities in the story etc.) and the plot twist was like it is in here. I can’t help but compare the two and come to the conclusion that I really think Ker and Dukey did a fantastic job keeping that line suspenseful and as clueless as possible.

“I owed her the idolization of life, her soul fossilized to allow her existence a memory.”

I liked the characters in here, I saw some great development although I think maybe a little more of Noah would have been wonderful. Both Nina and Devon were extremely complex, I didn’t feel Devon’s character was unravelled as much as it could have been. And I was extremely disappointed not to get the full story on Nina’s friend that left a little question mark for me, the explanation wasn’t enough. The love story that develops between Nina and Devon really is beautiful, they are both learning in their own way, yet both helping each other. It’s a shame; they were both really good together.

“My soul died that day and my fragile heart misses its companion.”

Yeah, I liked this, thoroughly enjoyed it but it wasn’t quite that perfect read for my 5 stars I’m afraid. Highly recommended, but please don’t eat before reading, it might not stay down for long.



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